We promote Carmelite Spirituality integrating Life, Spiritual Health & Wellbeing. The Carmelite tradition honours the individual, embraces community and welcomes people who seek spirituality and personal enrichment. The Carmelite Centre Mellbourne offers weekly times of shared stillness and silence and regular Saturday retreats.
STILLNESS AND SILENCE events give us the reflective space from which we can act.
Mentoring Carmelite Students: The Carmelites of Australia and East Timor provide support and training for East Timorese students studying for the priesthood in Australia. The Carmelite Centre Melbourne is building a team of mentors to assist students with academic studies or other aspects of their training.
Supporting others: Many of our spiritual leaders are supporting others in their search for meaning and purpose. This is done by facilitating retreats, giving talks, having one on one conversations and raising awareness of social issues.
We bring the essence of the Carmelite tradition to others through a range of spirituality based programs and experiences. These enhance the continuing development of a growing community of participants, facilitators and presenters.
EXPRESS AND EXPLORE events allow us to meet others with whom we can think and talk about the Carmelite Way. EMBRACE AND ACT events allows us to bring contemplation into every aspect of our lives.


There are many opportunities for you to become involved in any of our Parish Ministries and we encourage you to join us. Special training sessions can be arranged for you. We also wish to extend an invitation to our parish youth to join us.
Listed to the right are the positions we seek to provide. You may also request a copy of the various ministry guidelines and then consider whether you might feel comfortable in joining our ministry team and sharing your gifts and time with others.
- Altar Server
- Communion to the Sick Ministers
- Liturgical Artworks Ministers
- Music Ministry
- Ministers of the Word and Welcome
- Music Ministers
- Sacristans
- Care of the Church Ministers
- Collectors
- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – Coordinator, Parish Sponsor, Catechist, Support Team member
- Rite of Christian Initiation of Children – Coordinator, Parish Sponsor, Catechist, Support Team member
- Carmelite Centre
- Hospitality – Sunday morning tea after 9am and 1030am Mass
- Parish Hospitality committee – organising parish functions
- Morning tea and special events hospitality – catering for funerals
- Parish welcome and support for Baptismal families
- St Joseph’s Food Cupboard
- Drivers for Mass
- Parish Finance Committee
- Rosary prayer group
- Church gardens and grounds group

Our local Catholic Primary School is:
Galilee Regional Catholic Primary School
301-319 Bank Street
South Melbourne Vic 3205
Phone: 9699 2928
Fax: 9690 6084
Email: smillar@gsmelbournesth.catholic.edu.au
Website: www.gsmelbournesth.catholic.edu.au
Principal: Mr Simon Millar
Galilee commenced operation as a school in 1994, bringing together four local Catholic primary schools to create one blended school community. The four schools were: Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Middle Park; St Joseph’s, Port Melbourne; St Peter and Paul’s, South Melbourne; and Sacred Heart, St Kilda West.
Galilee was created to serve the educational needs of children in the Bayside area and to ensure that quality Catholic education would be provided both now and well into the 21st century.
The Gospel values of community, hope, justice, faith, peace and reconciliation are an integral part of our school’s faith, culture and teaching. As a Christian family we respect and accept other faiths and cultures and believe that we all have an innate and special worth.
We aim to provide:
A safe environment in which all in our community are given the opportunity to develop their full potential.
A place where strengths and weaknesses are catered for in a supportive and encouraging manner.
- A broad range of opportunities in the key learning areas to cater for the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social, creative and physical needs of each child.
A child centred curriculum, based on the children’s own experiences to ensure that programs are developmental, relevant and challenging.
We promote confidence, a love of learning, opportunities for success and the development of life skills. Galilee is where Parishes and the wider community work together in achieving our common goal of educating our children in Christian values, academic and life skills.
We are committed to making this vision a reality.

The Food Cupboard is open each Friday morning from 10.00am to 11.30am in the St Joseph’s Hall at the 274 Rouse Street, Port Melbourne. Enquiries can be directed to the Parish Office on (03) 9681 9600 or parish@sj-mc.org.au.
We are very fortunate to have plenty of food donated to us by very generous parishioners and kind-hearted locals.
You will be offered a bag of groceries to take home, and if you wish to stay, you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and chat to our friendly volunteers in a very comfortable hall.
You can be part of helping those in need by bringing non-perishable food items to Mass with you on Sundays. The Centre requires donations of tea, coffee, tinned vegetables (such as tomatoes, mixed veg, peas etc), tinned fish, tinned meat/meals, tinned fruit, tinned & packets of soup and dry foods such as pasta & rice, packets of biscuits (savoury & sweet), cereal and long life milk.
Hope to see you soon.

Our parish is committed to supporting the Carmelite Mission in East Timor. The Australian Province of Carmelites has responsibility for the Carmelites and people of the parish of Zumalai. The parish has some 13,000 people, 13 mission churches and 9 schools.
There is also a community of Carmelites in Dili where some 30 young East Timorese are exploring the Carmelite vocation and a community of novices and professed Carmelites a 20 minute drive away in Hera.
The Carmelite East Timor Friends Group assists our communities form a mutual partnership with the people and Carmelites of East Timor, learning from them and responding to their needs.
Its specific objectives are:
- to provide opportunities for parishioners to learn more about East Timor
- to raise parish awareness of the many social justice issues facing the people of East Timor
- to have a forum within the parish where issues concerning East Timor can be raised
- to network and liaise with The Carmelite Centre on East Timorese issues
- to keep parishioners informed on East Timor issues, events, news and progress on Carmelite projects and especially the projects that they are supporting
- to hold fundraising activities for specific parish projects for East Timor
- Life expectancy is 56 years
- 1 in 7 children die before the age of 5
- It is the poorest country in the Asia Pacific Region
- 80% of people are unemployed
- 41% of people earn less than 55 cents a day
- Only 15% of people have access to clean water
- The mortality rate is 200 times higher than Australia
- Approximately 46% of East Timor’s population have never had any schooling
- The level of illiteracy is 60% in women and 44% in men
- Half of the population of one million people is under the age of 14
Dili, East Timor

St Joseph's Church
cnr Rouse and Stoke Streets
Port Melbourne
Mon, Wed, Fri 9am
Sunday 9am
Children welcome at all Masses
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church
Cnr Richardson & Wright Streets
Middle Park
Tue, Thu, Sat 9am
Saturday (Vigil) 5pm
Sunday 10.30am
Children welcome at all Masses
The Carmelite Parish Office is currently open Tuesday and Wednesday between 9.00am and 4.00pm and Friday between 9.00am and 12.00pm (except public holidays). The Parish Office is closed on Monday and Thursday. The Parish Office phone number is 9681 9600. If we can’t answer at the time, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can email any other enquiries to parish@sj-mc.org.au and once again, we will get back to you as soon as possible. The After Hours emergency number is 0419 136 030.