St Joseph's Church & Parish Office
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Galilee Regional Catholic School
The Carmelite Parish Office is the central point of contact for the parish and is open between 9.00am and 4.00pm Tuesday and Wednesday, 9.00am to 12.00pm on Friday (except public holidays).
PLEASE NOTE : The Carmelite Parish Office is closed on Monday and Thursday.
Carmelite Parish Office
274 Rouse Street
Port Melbourne Vic 3207
Telephone 03 9681 9600
Email parish@sj-mc.org.au
After Hours Emergency
0419 136 030
Parish Priest
Fr Paul Cahill O.Carm.
Pastoral Assistant
Kelly McEnhill
Parish Secretary
Cathy Garbellini
Finance Officer
Mark Zanon
Facilities Manager
Dave Fletcher

Galilee Regional Catholic Primary School
Galilee Regional Catholic Primary School
301-319 Bank Street
South Melbourne Vic 3205
Telephone 03 9699 2928
Facsimile 03 9690 6084
Mr Simon Millar
Email smillar@gsmelbournesth.catholic.edu.au
School Website www.gsmelbournesth.catholic.edu.au

St Joseph's Church & Parish Office
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Download information on our venues which are available fo bookings.
- O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms – Middle Park
- St Joseph’s Conference Centre – Port Melbourne
If you would like more information on hiring our venues please enter your details below.

Financial Stewardship calls us to gratefully share our financial gifts and give generously for the many blessings we have received.
Over many years, members of our Catholic Community have generously supported the needs of our Parish. Many of our ministry works would not be possible without this continual financial support. We ask that each of our parishioners considers how much and how frequently they can financially contribute to the running of our Parish. As we do not receive government funding, the support needed to sustain our parish comes from friends like you.
Listed below are some of the ways that you can financially contribute :
- One-time donation.
- Automatic withdrawal. Planned giving is a way to give from your “first fruits” instead of what is left over. Your planned giving helps us plan.
- Bequests. Leaving a gift through your will, creating a gift annuity or designating the Parish as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy are just a few of the ways you could plan to make a difference.
Please consider downloading a Stewardship Offering Card and then filling in your details and submitting to the Parish Office.
Parish Conference Venues
You may also like to consider the use of our conference venues for your business or social needs. We have venues with modern conference facilities located at both Middle Park and Port Melbourne.
You can contact the Parish Office for further details.
St Joseph's Church
cnr Rouse and Stoke Streets
Port Melbourne
Mon, Wed, Fri 9am
Sunday 9am
Children welcome at all Masses
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church
Cnr Richardson & Wright Streets
Middle Park
Tue, Thu, Sat 9am
Saturday (Vigil) 5pm
Sunday 10.30am
Children welcome at all Masses
The Carmelite Parish Office is currently open Tuesday and Wednesday between 9.00am and 4.00pm and Friday between 9.00am and 12.00pm (except public holidays). The Parish Office is closed on Monday and Thursday. The Parish Office phone number is 9681 9600. If we can’t answer at the time, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can email any other enquiries to parish@sj-mc.org.au and once again, we will get back to you as soon as possible. The After Hours emergency number is 0419 136 030.